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Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
Listing of recently posted articles:
Continued fractions in the field of $p$-adic numbers
Authors: Giuliano Romeo
Subject: Algebra and Algebraic Geometry; Number Theory
2010 MSC: Primary 11J70, 11D88, 11Y65, 12J25

Automation compels mathematicians to reflect on our values
Authors: Michael Harris
Subject: Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics; Applications;
General Interest
2010 MSC: Primary 00A99, 68T99

Proof in the time of machines
Authors: Andrew Granville
Subject: Applications; Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics;
General Interest
2010 MSC: Primary 00A30, 68T05

Mathematics, word problems, common sense, and artificial intelligence
Authors: Ernest Davis
Subject: Applications; Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
2010 MSC: Primary 68V99

Is deep learning a useful tool for the pure mathematician?
Authors: Geordie Williamson
Subject: Applications; Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
2010 MSC: Primary 68T07, 05E10

Strange new universes: Proof assistants and synthetic foundations
Authors: Michael Shulman
Subject: Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics; Applications
2010 MSC: Primary 68V20

Abstraction boundaries and spec driven development in pure mathematics
Authors: Johan Commelin; Adam Topaz
Subject: General Interest; Applications; Discrete Mathematics
and Combinatorics
2010 MSC: Primary 68V30, 68V20, 00A35

Mathematics and the formal turn
Authors: Jeremy Avigad
Subject: Applications; Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics;
Logic and Foundations
2010 MSC: Primary 03B35, 68V20; Secondary 68Q60, 68V15, 68V25,
68V35, 68T01, 97U50

Mathematical reasoning and the computer
Authors: Kevin Buzzard
Subject: Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics; Applications
2010 MSC: Primary 68T01; Secondary 68T07, 68V15, 68V20

Some thoughts on automation and mathematical research
Authors: Akshay Venkatesh
Subject: General Interest
2010 MSC: Primary 00A30, 00A35

A note from the chief editor
Authors: Alejandro Adem

Mathematics of Computation
Listing of recently posted articles:
Quinary forms and paramodular forms
Authors: N. Dummigan; A. Pacetti; G. Rama; G. Tornaria
Subject: Number Theory
2010 MSC: Primary 11F46, 11F55, 11F33

A posteriori error estimates for the Richards equation
Authors: K. Mitra; M. Vohralik
Subject: Applications
2010 MSC: Primary 65M15, 65N50

Double-variable trace maximization for extreme generalized singular
quartets of a matrix pair: A geometric method
Authors: Wei-Wei Xu; Zheng-Jian Bai
Subject: Analysis; Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics;
2010 MSC: Primary 49M37, 49Q99, 65F15, 90C30

On median filters for motion by mean curvature
Authors: Selim Esedoglu; Jiajia Guo; David Li
Subject: Applications
2010 MSC: Primary 65M12; Secondary 35K93

Numerical analysis of a time-stepping method for the Westervelt
equation with time-fractional damping
Authors: Katherine Baker; Lehel Banjai; Mariya Ptashnyk
Subject: Differential Equations; Applications
2010 MSC: Primary 35L77, 65M06, 65M15, 35R11

Construction of diagonal quintic threefolds with infinitely many
rational points
Authors: Maciej Ulas
Subject: Algebra and Algebraic Geometry; Number Theory
2010 MSC: Primary 11D41, 13P15

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Listing of recently posted articles:
Homotopical rigidity of the pre-Lie operad
Authors: Vladimir Dotsenko; Anton Khoroshkin
Subject: Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
2010 MSC: Primary 18N40; Secondary 16S80, 18G85, 18M70

Corrigendum to ``The space of persistence diagrams on $n$ points
coarsely embeds into Hilbert space''
Authors: Atish Mitra; Ziga Virk
Subject: Geometry and Topology; Analysis
2010 MSC: Primary 54F45, 46C05; Secondary 55M10

Rotund G\^ateaux smooth norms which are not locally uniformly rotund
Authors: Carlo Alberto De Bernardi; Jacopo Somaglia
Subject: Analysis
2010 MSC: Primary 46B03, 46B20; Secondary 52A07

Structure of sets of bounded sequences with a prescribed number of
accumulation points
Authors: Quentin Menet; Dimitris Papathanasiou
Subject: Algebra and Algebraic Geometry; Analysis
2010 MSC: Primary 15A03, 46B87

The Fell topology and the modular Gromov-Hausdorff propinquity
Authors: Konrad Aguilar; Jiahui Yu
Subject: Analysis
2010 MSC: Primary 46L89, 46L30, 58B34

Zeros of polynomials over finite Witt rings
Authors: Weihua Li; Wei Cao
Subject: Number Theory; Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
2010 MSC: Primary 11T06, 11D88, 13F35

On a certain subclass of univalent functions
Authors: Szymon Ignaciuk; Maciej Parol
Subject: Analysis
2010 MSC: Primary 30C45; Secondary 30C10, 30C75

Two new $q$-supercongruences arising from Carlitz's identity
Authors: Ji-Cai Liu; Wei-Wei Qi
Subject: Analysis; Number Theory
2010 MSC: Primary 33D15, 11A07, 11B65

A rigidity result for proper holomorphic maps between balls
Authors: Edgar Gevorgyan; Haoran Wang; Andrew Zimmer
Subject: Analysis; Geometry and Topology
2010 MSC: Primary 32H35; Secondary 32H40, 53C24, 22F50

Accessibility of SPDEs driven by pure jump noise and its applications
Authors: Jian Wang; Hao Yang; Jianliang Zhai; Tusheng Zhang
Subject: Probability and Statistics
2010 MSC: Primary 60H15, 60G51; Secondary 37A25, 60H17

Incomplete inverse problem for Dirac operator with constant delay
Authors: Feng Wang; Chuan-Fu Yang
Subject: Differential Equations
2010 MSC: Primary 34A55, 34K29

A novel witness to incoherence of $\mathrm{SL}_5(\mathbb{Z})$
Authors: Sami Douba
Subject: Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
2010 MSC: Primary 20F65; Secondary 20F67, 57M50

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Listing of recently posted articles:
Sub-critical exponential random graphs: concentration of measure and
some applications
Authors: Shirshendu Ganguly; Kyeongsik Nam
Subject: Mathematical Physics; Probability and Statistics;
Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
2010 MSC: Primary 05C80, 60F05, 60J05, 62F12, 82B20, 82C20

Schnyder woods, SLE$_{16}$, and Liouville quantum gravity
Authors: Yiting Li; Xin Sun; Samuel S. Watson
Subject: Probability and Statistics
2010 MSC: Primary 60B99, 60D05

Morse theory for group presentations
Authors: Ximena Fernandez
Subject: Geometry and Topology
2010 MSC: Primary 57M07, 57Q10, 57Q70; Secondary 20F05, 55-04

Prime torsion in the Brauer group of an elliptic curve
Authors: Charlotte Ure
Subject: Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
2010 MSC: Primary 16K50; Secondary 14F22, 14H52

An isoperimetric problem with two distinct solutions
Authors: Antoine Henrot; Antoine Lemenant; Ilaria Lucardesi
Subject: Differential Equations
2010 MSC: Primary 35P15; Secondary 49Q10, 52A10, 52A40

The integral Chow rings of moduli of Weierstrass fibrations
Authors: Samir Canning; Andrea Di Lorenzo; Giovanni Inchiostro
Subject: Algebra and Algebraic Geometry; Number Theory
2010 MSC: Primary 14C15, 14D23, 14J27

Volume preserving Gauss curvature flow of convex hypersurfaces in the
hyperbolic space
Authors: Yong Wei; Bo Yang; Tailong Zhou
Subject: Geometry and Topology
2010 MSC: Primary 53C42

Chromatic quasisymmetric functions and noncommutative $P$-symmetric
Authors: Byung-Hak Hwang
Subject: Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
2010 MSC: Primary 05E05

Rees algebras of sparse determinantal ideals
Authors: Ela Celikbas; Emilie Dufresne; Louiza Fouli; Elisa
Gorla; Kuei-Nuan Lin; Claudia Polini; Irena Swanson
Subject: Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
2010 MSC: Primary 13A30, 13C40; Secondary 14M12, 13P10, 05E40,

Thurston compactifications of spaces of stability conditions on curves
Authors: Kohei Kikuta; Naoki Koseki; Genki Ouchi
Subject: Geometry and Topology; Number Theory; Algebra and
Algebraic Geometry
2010 MSC: Primary 14J33, 18G80, 57K20

BPS invariants of symplectic log Calabi-Yau fourfolds
Authors: Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani
Subject: Number Theory; Geometry and Topology; Algebra and
Algebraic Geometry
2010 MSC: Primary 14N35, 53D45

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Engaging Online Math Program for Ages 3-9

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Fun *Winter* Math Ideas for Kids {Hands On & Printable}

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