Hi Manoj, It's hard to believe it's almost September! The start of this new school year has been busy and hectic at my house, but it's also nice to be back in a routine. Back to school time always has me thinking about learning with apples and about apples. I miss all the fun hands-on learning we did when my kids were little! I may just have to come up with some middle school apple math ideas soon . ;) If you love apple-themed resources too, I hope the ideas below are helpful! There is so much math you can explore with apples: use whole apples, apple slices, the seeds, etc. as the perfect hands-on manipulative to really see math concepts . I hope you enjoy the resources at the links below! Apple Math Games & Printables: The articles below include simple, hands-on math ideas that you can explore using apples. You can also grab a fun 'about me' activity for the first week of school if you haven't started yet. :) >>Apple Tr...